Friday, June 18, 2004

Exposing Family

How much does one say about his or her family on the internet? I have one, three members besides me. But I am uncertain that I want to give their names. I suppose figuring out my wife's name would be pretty easy if you did the minimal of searching. Hopefully, it'd be harder to figure out my kids' names. But is it really a concern? I mean, are people going to decide to target my kids for nefarious deeds because they read about them on my Blog? Honestly, I don't know, but I think probably not.

That may not be the point at all though. It's kind of creepy to think that the rest of the world could be reading about my kids and what they're doing in their lives. Whether they ever actually DO anything or not, it's still a little disturbing to think that child molesters, murderers, rapists, etc. could be reading about my kids. I think it's the protective parental urge coming in me.


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