Musical Tag!
Greenman tagged me so I get to answer a few questions about my musical tastes.
1) Last CD you bought
I haven't bought a CD in literally years. I have no idea what it was. The last CD that was purchased for me was John Mayer's second album, whose voice and lyrics I like.
2) Last song listened to before this message
That would Hotel California by the Eagles. One of the best songs ever recorded in my opinion. It's almost an epic song (see below).
3) 5 songs you listen to a lot or mean something to you.
Summer Highland Falls by Billy Joel
I am a huge fan of Billy Joel's music. This song is one his lesser known gems. To me it talks about choice - pick sadness or euphoria in life - it's up to you. Choice is most the important aspect of our lives. Take away a person's freedom to choose and you take away everything.
Innocent Man by Billy Joel
I think this will be the only other Billy song on the list, although I could list about 10 - 15 more easily. This song describes my goal in life - to be a man with all the responsibilities that come with that, and still to maintain my innocence, that highly prized aspect of childhood. The truth is one cannot be innocent and still be a man - it's like Don Quixote tilting at windmills - but I try to find pockets of innocence in my life.
The Swing by INXS
It was one my friend's Carter's favorite songs and I think of him when I hear it. Carter was killed by a train many years ago.
Dream Come True by Frozen Ghost
It's Sharon's and my song. When I hear it, I think of her and our love for each other. We danced to this song at our wedding.
American Pie by Don McLean
The reason I like American Pie is because it's epic. I love epics. I like series of books. I like series of movies. I like my stories to continue. I don't want them to ever end. American Pie is probably the closest a song could ever come to being an epic. It's huge. It's filled with symbolism that we are compelled to decipher. It is absolutely American, and to beat it all it has an extremely singable melody. And the final verse is so touching and beautiful that it caused me to cry the first time I heard it. Can you name another epic song? I'd love to hear some other ideas.
4.) Who am I going to pass this stick to?
Dweeze. It occurs to me that I don't know much about his musical tastes and you think I would by now.
Sara at Midwestern Position because I am curious.
Mathman because I like choosing people I don't know very well. Heh.
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