I updated my links on the right and added the following Iowa Bloggers:
Diary of a Political Madman The Madman apparently ranks Iowa political blogs. Poor
Kris got pushed down the list. I, on the other hand, will probably never even make the list.
Iowa True Blue This politically charged guy has part of his face sticking out of the top of blog. It's a little freaky, frankly.
Named PipeI want to apologize for not linking to him sooner. I meant to and apparently never got around to it. Bad, bad Matt.
Patron Saint of MediocrityOtherwise known as Salieri.
BobIt's nice to have Bob back again and her new format is interesting. I hope she changes that background though...
I also removed a couple blogs that appear to be defunct. You have to post once a month to stay on the list, folks!
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