Wednesday, February 23, 2005

AI Women

The AI women can be summed up in two words:

Ridiculous, ridiculous.

Really, there was maybe one or two that I liked. The rest were terrible. The men are definitely stronger this season. It's kind of a shame they did the six men and six women final 12 plan this season. I think there are probably more than six men who deserve to make the final 12 and there are definitely less than 6 women who deserve it. Mikalah Gordon has got to be one the most annoying reality TV show contestants to come along in a long time. Last night, Simon told her that 50% of the audience would like her and 50% would despise her. I think he got his percentages wrong. She sounds like Fran Drescher from the Nanny! When she sings and when she speaks. How is she talented? I don't get it. And there was Randy, telling her how great she was. Ugh. She made me wish we could vote against people. The one woman who stood out for me was Nadia Turner. She's got a style and stage presence that is arresting. And she can sing. She better not get eliminated.

Check it out. The Yin Blog agrees with me.


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