American Idol
Now that the early rounds are out of the way, the show actually becomes interesting. I mean, really. How many bad singers do they think we want to hear? I wish they'd do just a single episode of the first round of auditions and then three episodes to pick the final 24. But they have to wring every last drop of advertising money out of the show. Anyway, onto the Final 24.
Tonight we see the top 12 men perform. I have a few favorites. One guy that I've followed the whole way is Anthony Federov.

He has an interesting story. He had a tracheotomy when he was a little kid. They weren't sure if he'd ever speak again, let alone sing. His voice is very pure. Reminds me of Dennis DeYoung, from Styx. Of course, he also reminds me of Clay Aiken...
I'm also a fan of Constantine Maroulis, who once starred in Rent.

(He's on the far right.)

He's a hard rocker who lists Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin as his favorite singers. I'd really like to see someone like him win the whole thing.
Finally, I like Scott Savoy. He doesn't look like an American Idol, but he does sound like one. He's got a great voice. And I like rooting for the underdog.

The women perform tomorrow night, so I'll wait til then to talk about them.
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