Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Sami updates

A couple of days ago, Sami was getting into the books as she is wont to do. She was holding The Odyssey by Homer. I looked at her and said, "Sami, you're too young to read the Odyssey."

She looked at for a moment. Then her face crumpled and she started bawling!

Clearly, I need to start reading the classics to her immediately.

Oh, and yesterday we exchanged a duplicate birthday toy Sami had received for a different one in the same genre (i.e. Little People). We got her this:

So far, Rachel loves it. (And so do I for that matter...) I am sure Sami will too once she has the chance to play with it. She's been grumpy today. Anyway, thanks Aunt Jane, Uncle Daryl, Chris and Em for the new gift!

Sami still isn't eating as much as we'd like, but she's so close to walking (6 steps!) and seems to be hitting all the milestones, so I am not extremely concerned. We'll just keep trying to get that food into her.

Here's a picture of my littlest one:


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