Monday, October 30, 2006

Two mile Turkey Trot

On Thanksgiving, I'm going to run a two mile race called the Turkey Trot. My brother and sister and their kids having been doing it for a few years now. I decided I ought to run two miles at least once before then to see if I was going to embarrass myself or not. So yesterday I ran two miles in almost exactly 16 minutes. Not too bad. I wish I had been faster, but since I hardly ever exercise I suppose I can't be too surprised. If I can find the time in the next few weeks, I'll try to run a few more times to see if I can break 15 minutes.

I did check the results from last year's Turkey Trot and I'm slower than my brother (14:45) and my 15-year-old nephew (15:24) but faster than my sister (22:59), my 11-year-old niece (22:43), and 9-year-old nephew (16:54).

I admit it - I really want to beat my brother. Heh.


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