Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Feeling old...

I am 32 years old. That seems really really old because I feel (and look) about ten years younger. Of course, my two kids are making a lot of noise as I write this, an aural and visual reminder that I ain't 22. I remember being 22. Whatever, say the 22 year olds who are reading this thing. (Ha, like anyone is actually reading this.) But I do. I was very free back then. My responsibilities were limited to college classes that demanded surprisingly little effort. I had a wonderful girlfriend. I was acting, directing, writing. I read a lot of books back then too.

So what has changed? Well, let's see. I still act and direct, though much more rarely. I read, but more often than not I read books I've read before. My writing is like a lengthy empty field punctuated by a pretty little flower every once in a while. Instead of a wonderful girlfriend, I have a wonderful wife. And I raise two kids. They are very young still. Both are challenging in their own ways. I am lucky, mind you. I know that. But kids make you feel old.

Wait. I said at the beginning of this that I feel like I'm 22.

I'm such a liar.


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