Friday, October 29, 2004

Best friends

Rachel, my four-year-old daughter, has one best friend. Her name is Kate and she's the same age as Rachel. They met at music class. Something just clicked for the two of them right from the start. They insisting on sharing a carpet square and were inseparable throughout the class. We've had lots of play dates and the bond between the two of them is very clear. The thing is Rachel hasn't made friends with anyone in her preschool. And while she plays with other kids we meet at the park, she forgets them easily enough when it's time to go. Kate is different. She wants to tell Kate about her latest toy or what happened at preschool. She wonders if Kate would like the candy she's eating.

When I was a kid, I didn't have a lot of friends, but the ones I had were very good friends. Twenty-five years later I am still close to two of my childhood friends. So I wonder if it's hereditary. Maybe Rachel will just be very choosy about her friends. And when she finds someone she likes, she'll stick with her. The two of them are darn cute together. Hopefully, they'll be friends for a long time.

On another subject... poor Sami. At the park together, she had her eyes locked on Rachel, Kate and Kate's little brother Bradley as they ran around playing on the slides, the swings, and the sand toys. I could tell she really wanted to get out there and run around with the bigger kids. Gotta learn to walk first, Sami! Next summer ought to be a trip with both little girls running around playing. Sami is growing so quickly. She climbed all of the basement stairs last night. She can walk around tables now. Soon she'll be walking by herself. And then watch out, Rachel! Sami'll be right behind you.


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