Sweet tooth
Remember Bottlecaps? I loved them when I was a kid and they came in this green packaging.

Nowadays, they look like this, but they're still just as tasty.

I think the cherry flavor is the best. Rootbeer is good, but only in small doses. Sharon got a mixed bag of Halloween candy last night that included Nerds, Runts, Sweetarts, and Bottlecaps. No kids will be getting Bottlecaps from our house this year.... Yum!
Bottlecaps rule, someone at work brought some in last week and I must have eaten 10 packages and I have no regrets, none I tell you
Yum! I haven't had those in ages. I just love the root beer ones.
Yes, yes. Anyone remember the garbage can sweet tarts that came in a little plastic garbage can? My friend Danny and I used to use the garbage can to catch lives bees as they landed on clover.
I'm allergic to bees. My poor mother ... how she survived rasising me is a mystery.
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