Wednesday, October 27, 2004

For Greenman...

Anthony Hope
You are Anthony Hope, the hot-blooded sailor boy.
You're a true friend to Sweeney, even if he
takes advantage of it. Your passionate love
for Johanna, even if it's a bit sudden and
shallow, will lead you to do anything (even
kill?) to save her. Still, you come about as
close as anyone to living happily ever after,
at least as far as the play goes.

Which Sweeney Todd Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


At 3:12 PM, October 27, 2004, Blogger greenman said...

Sweet, thanks.

I'm Mrs. Lovett

At 11:26 PM, October 27, 2004, Blogger Lars said...

Sweeney Todd is far and away quite at the top of my list of musical theatre, and believe me, I know musical theatre. I will see who I am and put it on my blog :-)


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