Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Bush not supporting troops

In looking into various Iowa blogs, I came across The Yin Blog which has this interesting post. I will quote from the same article Mr. Heller did.
The disability benefits and health care systems that provide services for about 5 million American veterans have been overloaded for decades and have a current backlog of more than 300,000 claims. And because they were mobilized to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, nearly 150,000 National Guard and reservist veterans had become eligible for health care and benefits as of Aug. 1. That number is rising.

At the same time, President Bush's budget for 2005 calls for cutting the Department of Veterans Affairs staff that handles benefits claims, and some veterans report long waits for benefits and confusing claims decisions.
I have nothing to add to Mr. Heller's point so I'll just echo his comment that the man in the White House is a hypocrite.

By the way, I heard something about families buying body armor for their sons and daughters in Iraq because the US Government wouldn't supply it. Anyone have some information on this?

Finally, go check out the Yin Blog. I liked it.


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