Survivor thoughts
I have no idea what's going to happen on Survivor this week. However, I have some speculation I'll share.
First of all, on the women's tribe, Eliza, Julie and Lisa are on the outside. The alliance of Scout, Ami, Twila and Leann is strong. Lisa tried to ingratiate herself with the older women, but I don't think it's going to help her in the long run. Eliza also tried to play both sides. Julie may not be with the older women's alliance, but at least she's stayed loyal to her group. If I were in the older women's alliance, I'd take out Eliza, who has been annoying with that mouth of hers, or Lisa, who clearly can't be trusted. Of course, Survivors always do the wrong move, so they'll probably boot Julie.
Last episode, John Kenney showed that he has some game playing skills by dividing the women by alliance. This was a shock to everyone and puts a bigger target on his back. He shouldn't have announced his actions at Tribal Council, but instead used his information to slide into the powerful alliance. Both John and Brady are in trouble. The editors want us to believe Rory is in trouble, but I don't buy it for a second. Rory is this season's Kathy from Marquesas. He'll be the one we keep expecting to get the boot, but never does. At least, not til waaaaay down the road.
We've seen no vidcaps of the IC this week, so I am thinking it's probably a boring one. Question and answer thing or something like that. It could go either way, but I think I'll give it to the women which means a man goes home. My guess: Brady.
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