Thursday, September 30, 2004

Iowa Pork Forest

You may have heard that they're building a rainforest in Iowa. It made national news a month or two ago. I just want to say for the record that there are a lot of Iowans who are terribly embarrassed by this insane project and wish it would just go away.

I recently came across this blog: Iowa Pork Forest

It tells the story far better than I could. Bottom line is creating this monstrosity in Coralville, Iowa, would be one of the biggest mistakes this town could ever make.

Oh, and if you want to know which politician to blame, look no further than Chuck Grassley. Now I probably wouldn't have voted for him anyway (even though he does mow his own lawn! Wow! Gee! How exciting, Chuck!), but his support for this inane project seals the deal for me.

Okay, just got back from googling to discover that Tom Harkin supports the project! TOM! What are you thinking!?


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