Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Which House decides?

So if we end up with an electoral vote tie, which is not impossible, then the House of Representatives chooses the President. A letter to the editor in the Press Citizen today suggests:
Imagine this: An Electoral College tie between Kerry and Bush at 269-269. Then what?

Then the new U.S. House of Representatives selects the president. Republican Jim Leach? A vote for four more years of Bush-Cheney. Democrat Dave Franker? A vote for a new direction with Kerry-Edwards.

So this made me ask the question. Is this letter writer correct? Is it the newly elected House that chooses the President? Or is it the current House that makes the call? I did a Google search, but didn't find an answer. Anyone know? James? You reading this today?


At 12:18 PM, October 20, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. Yes, it is. The House of Representatives will choose the next President in the event no candidate receives a majority of the Electoral College. This is, mind you, still an improvement over the Supreme Court doing it.

-Jim Jam Jumanji


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