Monday, November 15, 2004


Dish Network now offers local channels in my neck of the woods. This means we could switch to Dish from Mediacom's cable option and save almost $20/month. We lose only one channel I care about - Bravo. We're not the kind of TV people who need a million channels. We don't have HBO or Showtime and don't miss them. It'd be nice to save the 20 bucks a month. Anyone have any experience with Dish? Customer service good? Outages?


At 1:20 PM, November 15, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You can't live without Bravo! Inside the Actor's Studio is the BEST show on TV!

At 1:40 PM, November 15, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What about the cable modem? Are you going to switch to DSL through Dish Network? Won't that be slower? Is it even available here yet?


At 1:44 PM, November 15, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

I never remember to watch Inside the Actor's Studio, Ali. I do like it when I catch it. The one show I have been following is Celebrity Poker, but that's beginning to get a little old.

And Kimber, I'm not planning on getting rid of the Mediacom internet, just the cable TV part of things.

At 2:03 PM, November 15, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt, I have Dish Network, I've had it for years, and I have Bravo. I'm not sure why you wouldn't.
It might be part of the 150 pack instead of the 100?


At 2:05 PM, November 15, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other comment:
When the rain is horrible horrible, or if you get snaow packed, you might lose service for a bit. Service is pretty good otherwise. And hey, I've got a gift card for you if you are really interested, it gives you extra stuff for free for signing up with it, and I get some free pay-per-view movies.

At 2:09 PM, November 15, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

The package I am looking at is "Top 60". The next package up, "Top 120", has Bravo, but I don't want to spend the extra $10/month for one channel. Good to know about the snow/rain thing. Living in Iowa, that's definitely something to consider.

And a gift card? That'd be great! :-) Thanks.

At 2:47 PM, November 15, 2004, Blogger greenman said...

one thing to think about is that the mediacom hsd goes up $10 if you don't have cable tv service. There's also some other differences I'd be happy to let you know about like the weather channel won't give you local weather anymore.

At 2:50 PM, November 15, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

It goes up? I called Mediacom today and they told me the two services weren't connected at all. *sigh*

At 3:22 PM, November 15, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a DSL thing:
You can get DSL service through Qwest and only pay $10 for qwest ISP if you don't need anything from them, like webspace, an email, etc. So my DSL is relatively cheap because I have my own email and website. That $10 ISP is on top of the what $30/m I pay for the DSL connection, so total is like $40/m I think.


At 4:03 PM, November 15, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Kimber again)

Is DSL actually available in Iowa City? Last I checked when I moved here, it wasn't. That's why we went with cable.

And Matt? Are you certain the cost of MCHSI wouldn't go up if you removed cable TV service? You might lose the money saved if it did.

At 4:17 PM, November 15, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

Well, it appears I have two different opinions on that, Kimber. I don't know!

At 5:40 PM, November 15, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Kimber again)

I know MCHSI costs more, but you have to admit, it's a good service. I've had it for 11 months (can you believe it's been that long???) and we've lost service exactly one time. Our cable service in New York was slow and gave us fits.

As for dish, we had DirecTV in New York. It did go on the fritz in a bad rain storm or when it snowed heavily. Tommy used to have to go get on the roof and shovel the dish out.

I'm currently enjoying a mental of you actually doing that. I'm also guessing that would turn into poor Sharon's job!

For TV, DirecTV was great. I loved being able to move through the menuus and being able to set up tapings without programming the VCR. But I would hate to have to rely on it for the internet.

At 5:52 PM, November 15, 2004, Blogger greenman said...

the 2 mediacom services are not physically dependent on each other however you are recieving a discount on hsd that you would not get if you don't have tv service.

At 9:47 AM, November 17, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessica and I had Dish. Quality-wise, not bad at all. Maybe once every month or two, picture would be bad due to weather.

Dish's menu browsing is LIGHT-YEARS beyond the petty frustrations of our current cable menu.

However: we switched to cable from Dish. Why? Mediacom has (had? don't know if it's still an option) a program where you give up Dish, go to cable, and they give you $25 a month for 18 months. That's quite a bit.


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