Monday, November 01, 2004

Tricking and Treating

Well, okay it was actually all about the treats. I took Rachel trick or treating last night. It was fun to watch her race up to each house, ring the bell, shout "trick or treat!", and light up when candy was dropped into her plastic pumpkin. She loved every minute of it. And so did I.

I guess we do one trick. We ding dong ditched someone. It was unintentional. And they probably weren't actually home. We rang the bell and then I noticed that they'd left Halloween treats in a basket on the porch. So we took one and left. I don't think they ever came to the door. But just in case, sorry for the ding dong ditching!

On Saturday, we went to a Halloween party. It was kid friendly, which was nice since we are able to send Rachel to play with the bigger kids (8 and 11 year olds) and we got to hang out with the adults. We watched an awful movie - Van Helsing. That guy is a terrible monster hunter. He lucked out time and time again. It was only enjoyable because we were MST3King it.

Today is the first day of writing my novel. I was going to try to get started at midnight last night, but Sami ended that idea by waking up and not wanting to go back to sleep. Which is a real shame because I had a good idea and was really in the mood to write. Hopefully, I find some time today.


At 2:56 PM, November 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MYSTy fan?
Way cool.
I met the cast/crew when I lived in Wisconsin (they taped in MN). Original cast, that is.



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