Friday, March 11, 2005


Theresa at 2 Hot Chiks talks about the idea of a Turkish Prison Friend. I will quote her hypothetical:
If you landed your own sorry ass in a Turkish Prison (the likes of those in Days of Yore), and you only had one quick phone call to the outside world before being locked away forever, WHO would you call to help you?
I thought of a few different people in my life, but then I decided to go with my brother, John. John is smart, tenacious, a problem solver. Most of all, he wouldn't stop until he got me out of there. As I was thinking about this, it ocurred to me. My two other brothers fit that description, too. So does my sister. I thought of John first because he'd probably do some dramatic rescue involving parachuting to the roof of the prison and with a knife in his mouth. My sister, on the other hand, would work the diplomatic channels. No matter which method they chose, I know I could count on any and all of them to help me.

I am a lucky guy. I have four siblings I can count on. We were taught by our parents to value each other and our family. We are still a close group that gets together for birthdays and holidays. I hope to pass the importance of family and siblings to my girls. Sharon has a similarly strong relationship with her sister, so Rachel and Sami will see lots of good modeling of positive sibling relationships. The big difference between my experience and my kids is that they have only each other whereas I am lucky enough to have four siblings. I am hopeful that we can expand the idea of family to the Rachel and Sami's cousins. I wasn't very close to my cousins growing up, but my siblings and I are already making it clear to our kids that cousins are important family members too. And we've seen a lot of positive bonds between cousins so far, so even if they don't have more sibs they count on, they'll have cousins.

Now as I finish this post, I realize it did say Turkish Prison Friend. Are we not supposed to consider family?

I could think of a couple of friends I could call. In fact, the more I think about it, the more people I think I could call. Hmm. The implication of Theresa's post is that TPFs are rare. I don't know if I agree with that, at least in my experience.

By the way, friends who are reading this, if you need a TPF, call me. I'll get you out. It might even involve parachutes.


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