Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Deep Throat revealed

Well, Deep Throat has revealed himself. He's 91 year old W. Mark Felt, who was second in command of the FBI in the 1970s. I am glad the mystery is over. It's hard to have a strong opinion about the Nixon scandal and Watergate, as for me, it's just a part of history. I didn't live through it. Someone said to me once that the only difference between Nixon and any other president is that Nixon got caught. A cynical view, to be sure, but there's also an element of truth to it. At least, it's indicative of the overwhelming feeling in this country that politicians are not to be trusted. Maybe that inherent distrust in our politicians is the real legacy of Nixon. I've voted in almost every presidential election since I was eligible to vote, but I have never voted for anyone. It's always been about the lesser of two evils or voting for someone I knew never had a chance. In the most recent election, I was motivated to register as Democrat for the first time, not because I was so excited about John Kerry or the Democrat party, but because I was so disgusted with George Bush. The flip side is that I believe our political system is the best one on the planet. For some reason, however, we keep screwing it up. And right now Bonnie Tyler is in my head...

I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero 'till the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life


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