I'm Lost
Tonight is the season finale of Lost. Sure, I've talked about American Idol in this space more than Lost, but the truth is when both shows have their season finales tonight, there's only one that I really care about. If there were no VCRs in the world, and I had to choose, I'd pick Lost without hesitation. (That said, if Bo doesn't win tonight, America is pretty darn stupid.)
Lost is one of those mythic shows, like the X-Files was. There is a mythology to Lost and it's fascinating. The continuing story draws you in and you're dying to know the answers to the mysteries... eventually. That's the danger with these sorts of shows. X-Files is an example of a show that failed because it didn't know how to handle the mystery. The audience does need answers. We don't need them immediately but we do need them eventually or we'll lose interest. Dragging out the reveal can kill a show. By the time we got X-File answers (sort of), we didn't care anymore. Lost is still really early in its life, so there's no worry about that, yet. I just hope the creators of Lost realize that eventually they need to answer the mysteries and provide an ending that works. Even if it means the network loses its hit show sooner than they'd want.
For those who like previews, here's a link to a Yahoo site with some vids.
(Really, I don't know anything for sure, but in case you don't want to even know what the rumors are, don't read ahead.)
Tonight, we're supposed to get some answers about the monster. And apparently someone dies, although word is now that we won't know who that is until the beginning of next season. I guess at the end of the season, a lot of characters will be in jeapordy. The final pages of the script were only given to the people on the raft so that's where we're ending. You have to figure someone on the raft is probably going to die. Who will it be?

It won't be Walt, the kid. It's clear he has some unusual powers that will play a part in the future of the series. But his dad, Michael, might not be so lucky. Losing Michael could really shift Walt's story into high gear. Also, Michael doesn't have a major storyline outside of his relationship with Walt and building the raft, which is now complete. Sure, there's a flirtation with Sun, but that is one of the smaller stories. On the other hand, Sawyer is part of a major romance with Kate. He's not going to die. He's also a breakout character. The only thing that might hint toward him dying is fact that he told Jack about his father before leaving the island. If he had kept that secret, I know he'd be safe. As it is, he's still probably safe. And then there's Jin. Killing off Jin would make me the saddest. His love story with Sun is one of the most fascinating parts of the show. I really want to see them have another chance. However, his farewell to Sun was indicative of someone who was about to be killed off.
Survival Chances:
Walt: 100%
Sawyer: 85%
Jin: 50%
Michael: 20%
I hope it's Michael, but really I hope it's no one!
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