Thursday, May 19, 2005

Star Wars name

So I hear the last Star Wars movie is actually good. I'll try to see it this weekend, but I refuse to get my hopes up. Anyway, in the meantime, check out this which has been flying around the internet lately:


Your New First Name
1. Take the first 3 letters of your 1st name.
2. Add the first 2 letters of your last name.

Your New Last Name
1. Take the first 2 letters of your Mom's maiden name.
2. Add the first 3 letters of the city in which you were born.

Your Star Wars Honorary Title
1. Take the last three letters of your last name and reverse them.
2. Add the first three letters of the make or model of your first car.
3. Insert the word "of."
4. Tack on the name of the last medication you took.

I am... Matfa Lewin, Otufor of Advil!

May the Force be with you!


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