Great idea for Arrested Development
I found this idea at TrueDorkTimes' blog. TDT is known in the Survivor world as a master spoiler. He also has a blog which gives us his incisive wit and commentary about a great many subjects.
Arrested Development makes the FOX cut for another season
Yay. Guess we won’t have to teach FOX a lesson now (although George Sr. teaches us that doing so is a bad idea, anyway).
Although we’re still waiting for Rick Schroeder to make a guest appearance as a childhood friend of Michael’s, one who was always jealous of his privileged lifestyle. Why are the writers ignoring such an obvious source for comedy? As Gob would say, “Come on!”
In case you don't get the reference, here's a picture to jog your memory:

Go here for information about this and other classic TV shows. Great website!
By the way, if you missed Arrested Development last season, you have to check it out. One of the best comedies on TV. Like Seinfeld, it breaks new ground with it's faux documentary format. And since we're on the subject, one cast member who is perpetually overlooked on this perpetually overlooked show is Michael Crea.

The kid is great. He conveys more with a look than most people could with pages of dialogue. You know exactly what he's thinking. His delivery is also award winning and he milks the most comedy possible out of every line. Yes, the whole cast is stellar, but it'd be great to see him get the Emmy nod. Seriously.
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