Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Happy Birthday to Sharon

A number of years ago, in the place where the tall corn grows, a very tiny blond girl was born. No bigger than a nightcrawler is what I've heard. Fortunately, she grew up and eventually made her way to the University of Iowa where I had the good fortune to meet her. Twelve years and two kids later, she's still the strongest person I know. Happy Birthday to my wonderful wife. May we celebrate many, many, many more birthdays together.

Here are a couple of Horoscopes for the birthday girl:

If Your Birthday Is Today....Comedian/actor Bill Cosby (1937) shares your birthday. You have an amazing influence over others whether you try to achieve this or not. You have the skills - charm, intelligence, and power of persuasion - to convince others. Most of you will use this for a higher purpose. Big issues (life and death) intrigue you. The year ahead is full of fresh starts and new beginnings.


IF JULY 12 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: The year ahead should be free of trouble or burdens. Like a dog that has slipped its leash you might run wild, especially in September. Don't be impatient -- keep on track and wait for helpful opportunities that should appear in February and March. That is a time when you can make inspired plans that will unfold as promised. Say your prayers and they should be answered during that time.

PS Wanna see me hula hoop?


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Location: Coralville, IA
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