The Plame affair
Looks like Bush's administration is connected to the leak of the name of a CIA agent to the press despite two years of denials. And the connection is none other than top Bush political analyst Karl Rove, who told a reporter Valerie Plame worked at the CIA. This is the same Valerie Plame who is married to Joseph C. Wilson IV, a former ambassador and the guy who publicly called out the Bush administraton about the fact that they lied to the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. It has long been suspected that Plame was outed as a CIA operative in retaliation for her husband's remarks. Rove is the first direct link to the adminstration. Did they do it? Well, with the Bush administration's track record of lies and obfuscation, it's certainly not hard to believe. Plus, if Rove's comment was an innocent mistake, why did he lie about it under oath, saying he only talked about Plame after she'd been outed?
Of course, the ways things are progressing in this country, I have no hope that Bush or his administration will be held accountable.
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