Thursday, July 07, 2005

Terrorists attack London

I am trying to figure out what I could write about this that might be interesting to read. I haven't really come up with anything.


  • Four bombs, one on a double decker bus and three in the London underground, exploded during rush hour in London.

  • Many people are dead. Even more are injured.

  • A group related to Al-Queda has claimed responsibility.

    You know, when I heard that there were over 160 people injured, my first thought was of the doctors and nurses waiting in the hospitals during 9/11 for the injured that never came. Which is not to in any way compare the two attacks or suggest that this attack is not a serious and horrible event. It's just the first thing that came into my head.

    I am also struck by the lucky obliviousness of my children who are playing normally without any idea that this tragedy has happened.

    Finally, I am sad that my children will probably come of age during a time of terrorism and war. My kids are young, but I see no end to this. No end.


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