Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I don't feel old...

In fact, I felt older when I turned 30 than I do now that I am 34. I still feel like I'm somewhere in my twenties despite the fact that these two children running around remind me that I am definitely not a twenty-something. But I still feel that young, so that's good enough, right?

Anyway, happy birthday to me.

On another subject, is there not as great a gap in music between kids and their parents these days? When I was a kid, my parents had no clue about the music I liked and really didn't enjoy it at all. Yesterday, in the car on the way to Adventureland, my niece was enjoying music on the radio that I liked as well. It was recent stuff. Now I don't know all the artists anymore, nor do I collect albums, but I still like the music I hear on the radio. Is it just that rock hasn't been replaced by something else the way it replaced... whatever it was that my parents listened to?

I do admit I don't like rap. Nor do I consider it music. It's an art form that requires talent, but I don't think of it as music. Sharon vehemently disagrees with me on this point and I imagine a lot of my readers out there will disagree with me, as well.

Other random thoughts... nieces are visiting for the week so instead of being outnumbered three girls to one, it's now five to one. I wouldn't mind having a nephew visit next time! Of course, we're having a great time. The girls, who are nine (EDITED: she's ten, not nine) and eleven, are lots of fun and play so well with Rachel.

....Rock Star INXS was great last night. Marty performed ana amazing version of the Britney Spears song "Baby One More Time". It was disturbingly good and nothing like Britney's version.

However, I think it's Mig's contest to lose at this point. He's going to fit INXS really well. He has the musical chops and is a team player (unlike JD, who while talented, also needs to be a solo artist).

....I read Harry Potter again and have decided that absolutely the person everyone thinks is the bad guy is not really a bad guy.


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