Quick Rock Star Thoughts
It's late and I need some sleep, so here are quick Rock Star INXS thoughts.

JD was on fire tonight and should be safe this week. His original was great and fit with INXS's music.

Jordis was good, but not great, with We Are the Champions. Her original song was okay, but didn't sound like an INXS song at all. Also, the whole point of the song seemed to be about fighting not lose herself and she said it was based on her experience in the competition. Kind of tells INXS that she doesn't really want the job. Plus, hearing her sing an INXS song last week on the elimination show makes it clear she's a bad fit.

Suzie has an amazing voice and beautifully sang I Can't Make You Love Me. Her original song was good, too, though again, it didn't sound like an INXS song.

MiG was just okay. He did a good job with Hard to Handle, but I think he really turned off the band with his original song. For one, again, it didn't sound like a song INXS would ever sing. What was worse, the subject matter was about moving on after losing a loved one. MiG went as far as to point out that that was what the show was all about - moving on with the band after the death of Michael Hutchence. I thought it was (unintentionally) really presumptuous and, well, crass of MiG to be talking to the band about moving on. MiG is a nice guy and I think he'd be mortified to realize he offended the band (and I am only assuming he did based on the looks on their faces). Anyway, I think he hurt his chances with that move.

Marty was the star of the show and I think he has a real chance to win it. For one thing, he has shown he is willing to listen to INXS's comments and make changes accordingly. For another, his song, Trees, was easily the best of the originals and the one that sounded most like an INXS song.
Bottom Three: Jordis, MiG, Suzie. Jordis will go home.
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