Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Quick moments from my day

Conversation with Rachel 1:

"Daddy, is there a guy inside the traffic light?"


"Well, I think there is."


"Must be a a pretty circle-y and thin guy though."

How the Present makes me think of the Past:

I drove by Perkins today and noticed that they had congratulated Shelly for 20 years of service on their sign. That made me wonder if Shelly might be that waitress who has worked there since I came to town in 1992 and looks just like Phoebe from Friends. We used to go there all the time during college after a show or No Shame because it was open late. And they used to have pasta bread bowls which were excellent.

Conversation with Rachel 2:

"Yes, Sami, that's your bottom. You have a bottom and a volvo."

"That's vulva, Rachel."

"Vul-VA. Thanks, Daddy. What do boys have?"

"A penis."

"Why do boys have a penis and not a volvo?"

"Because boys and girls are different."

"No, they're not."

"Sure they are."

"How do you know?"

"Because I've been around a long time and I know a few things."

"I think they are the same."


"Boys and girls are the same. Boys and girls are the same. Boys and girls are the same."


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Name: Matt
Location: Coralville, IA
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