Wednesday, April 05, 2006

How rude

Ah, preschool. You’d think the whole thing would be simple. Unfortunately, it’s been anything but. We’ve not been entirely thrilled with Rachel’s preschool for a number of reasons that all boil down to the lead teacher, but we stuck with it because Rachel does seem to like it and she has good friends there. But today was an excellent example of why we’ve questioned our decision to keep Rachel enrolled. One of the things this preschool requires is that the parents bring milk a few times each semester for lunchtime. (Why this isn’t covered with the tuition is one of the many questions I have, but anyway.) Rachel has been going there for almost two year now and we’ve never forgotten to bring milk when it was our turn … until two days ago. Today when I dropped off Rachel, I was accosted by the lead teacher who informed me that we were supposed to bring the milk on Monday. I apologized, but she cut me off to say that I’d have to the pay the school for the milk since they had to send someone out to the store (which is a block away, by the way). I said I’d do that and then tried to apologize again, but she ignored me, turned on her heel and walked away without another word. She was completely rude and unfriendly and wouldn’t even acknowledge my apology for what was, frankly, a very small matter. I am glad we have only two more months at that place. I just wish we had made a better choice in the beginning. And I really hope that Rachel’s kindergarten teacher is good.


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