Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Thoughts about 24's latest twist

Of course, I've been watching 24 this season. It's still one of my favorite shows. However, I am more a little unsure about the latest twist. Don't read any further if you didn't see last night's episode.

Last night we found out that the President is behind the terrorist attacks that are going on, or at least involved in some way. This is the bumbling, unsure, weak willed president that has been a truly fascinating character. For him to suddenly be the bad guy strains credibility. Are we supposed to believe he's been acting weak all this time to hide his nefarious plans? Seems unnecessary as a strategy since he's, you know, the PRESIDENT and could just use the power of the office to do stuff. But even if we let go of the unbelievability factor, the fact remains that they are completely altering one of the most interesting characters on the show, if not all of television.

Of course, maybe we'll find out next week that really someone else is pulling the President's strings. That would be understandable. That I could buy. This president is wishy-washy. He's not a criminal mastermind which is how that last shot of him on the telephone suggested.

I'm reserving final judgment until next week and we find out exactly how the President is involved. If they have completely changed his character... well, I'll probably still watch it anyway.


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