Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bad night for the Idols

Wow, that was a terrible week on American Idol, wasn’t it? Almost all of them sucked pretty bad. Chris was good, but even I, a big Chris supporter, am getting a little bored with him. He told Ryan he could pull off a love song, so let’s hear it, Chris.

My favorite for the week was actually Elliot. He sang Gavin DeGraw's "I Don't Want to Be", which was done by Bo Bice last year. Elliot’s version was completely different, but no less effective. I thought Taylor did a good job, but I was a little bored again. That’s two weeks in a row that he’s sung a repetitive song. I liked Paris’ performance, but I was not familiar with the song and the words didn’t stick with me during the show. I read online today that it’s a very suggestive song and a lot of people have a problem with a 17-year-old singing that song. I tend to agree, but rating her just on performance and not song choice, I thought it was one of her better performances.

In the they-were-pretty-blah category, we have Katherine, Bucky, and Mandisa. All were okay, but not spectacular. In the oh-my-god-that-was-painful category, we have Lisa, Kellie, and Ace.

Who will be bottom three? Ace and Lisa for certain. I am afraid Kellie will stay out there for another week, unfortunately. That probably means we’ll see a shocker in the bottom three… like… how about Mandisa?

I predict Lisa will go home.

Oh and by the way, Rachel decided she’d rather play Strawberry Shortcake and Old Maid than watch American Idol. She is planning on watching Katherine’s performance tonight. I was told I had to save it for her.


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