Friday, March 24, 2006

Ahh! Interview!

So I had a job interview today. It's at my current workplace. Someone is retiring in a couple of weeks. Thing is, I didn't know I was having the interview until a half hour before it was to start! Pressure. You see, I came into work today to find that a number of people were interviewing for the job and I thought, well, I guess I'm not going to be considered. Which I thought was strange since I have received such good feedback from my boss. So part way through the day, I decided to step into my boss' office and ask if she received my resume. She said no and that she was surprised she hadn't. Well, that's better than receiving it and saying "Ha! As if!" I told her I sent one in so she checked with HR and found that there was a snafu and mine hadn't been forwarded. At first, she was all "I don't think we can do anything about this" as she had the four candidates they wanted to interview. However, a few mintues later she came by and said the committee could stick around a little longer to interview me, too. Which was great, but nervewracking. I like time to prepare for this sort of thing. Plus, I was wearing jeans since it's casual Friday. Still, it all worked out well and I think I did a good job. I won't be too disappointed if I don't get this job as I've only been here a few months and wouldn't mind a little more experience before taking on more responsibility. Of course, at the same time, it'd be great to get the promotion and all that comes with it. And I know I'd do the job well. So we'll see what happens. If I don't get this one, another will come along eventually. I have been enjoying my current job a lot so I'm feeling good about things no matter what happens.


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