Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Survivor update

I received an email asking me if I was sure about my Survivor spoilers. I know that everything I posted was in the first 3 days of filming (with two exceptions, see below). Maybe first 6 days, but I'm guessing just the first 3. I assume we'll see it in the first episode, although I don't claim to have seen that all edited together. Do I have some inside source? Nope. At least 122 other people have this same information. It's out there - you just need to know where to look. I admit I made some assumptions based on what I saw and so I may have made a mistake or two.

Oh, two more things - Rory going far? Well, I hope he does, but I didn't see anything in the footage to indicate that. I have seen it mentioned on other sites that he lost a lot of weight, and so I went with that. And John K not doing well? Well, I think he'll be sent packing early, but that's just speculation on my part based on the other people on his tribe.

Can't wait til the premiere! Now, back to fantasy football. Do you think the Lions RB will generate a lot of points?


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Name: Matt
Location: Coralville, IA
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