Thursday, August 12, 2004

Survivor: Vanuatu

So I am getting sucked in again. I've watched Survivor since the very first episode. It's not as good as it once was and they keep throwing these new twists into the mix to keep us guessing. Sometimes the twists are good (like the tribe shakeup in S3) and sometimes they're just lame (like no one choosing to switch tribes in S5). Some seasons were pretty boring. But I am still a fan. I own a Survivor buff (it was a gift). I have every episode on tape. The Survivor Season 1 DVD is on the way to my house (birthday present from the inlaws).

Not only am I fan, but I am a spoiler. I belong to the Acme Brain Trust, a private Survivor spoiling organization. We used to the Ellipsiiis Brain Trust, but there was a... well, revolution, I guess you'd call it. God, this all sounds so ridiculous in retrospect. Anyway, we reformed as ABT instead of EBT. We predict who will get booted each week. We used to have a source and therefore knew who was going every week. Now, we have to predict using various clues in the episodes and previews. That's called Speculating.

The cast for Survivor: Vanuatu has been spoiled. No official announcement yet but that ought to happen Monday. So we have some pics of the cast and some basic information. Based on this information, I am going to speculate a little bit. This is really just WAG, but what the hell.

Four people I think are going pre-merge:

Twila Tanner
(no picture available yet)

John Paylock

Lea Masters

James Crittenden
(no picture available yet)

Of those four, James lasts the longest and is voted out just a short while before the merge or is the first post-merge boot. He has to stick around long enough for us to be inspired.

Four people I think are going to go far:

Rory Freeman
(no picture available yet)

Mia Galeotalanza

David Finta

Eliza Orlins

Am I right? Only time will tell.


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Name: Matt
Location: Coralville, IA
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