Monday, August 30, 2004

Damn rain

I hate the fact that we got so much rain this summer for one reason and one reason only - my freaking lawn turns into a jungle every three days. I don't mind mowing my lawn every week or so, but to keep up, I'd have to mow it two times a week and that just does not fit into my schedule. And it doesn't help that I have the lawn nazi living next door. He mows every other day whether it needs it not. Freak.

Yesterday, I got out my machete and cut a path to the garage where my lawn mower waited. I did the back yard first because that's the priority for Sharon. She can see that part of the yard every day. And besides that's where the kid plays. Got that done. And then I tackled the side and front yards. Unfortunately, my lawn mower overheated before I was able to finish. So now I have a partially cut lawn. It looks ridiculous. I am sure my neighbors are snickering at me. The Lawn Nazi next door is probably circulating a petition to have us evicted from the neighborhood.

But really. I have more important things to do.

1) Play Texas Hold 'Em
2) Memorize my lines for Glengarry Glen Ross
3) Prepare for my fantasy football draft
4) Write entries in my blog

So despite the 1/2 completed lawn, I am feeling cool...


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