This is Survivor Spec...
Okay, I am going to be very clear in this blog when I predicting something based on spec and when I actually have a bit of a spoiler. The following is speculation. Now it is informed speculation, of course. I have been paying attention.
So anyway, my spec for the season.
John K. is voted out first. Youth is not working this time around.
Eliza is out second. You can't plot too much right at the start, youngster. At least Eliza and John can, ahem, bond together in Australia.
Twila gets the boot next. She has such a Debb vibe, doesn't she?
Lea, the drill sargeant, will not be able to hide his commanding personality and spells the end of him.
At this point I think the tribes do a switcheroo and who knows who ends up where. That makes it harder to predict what happens, so I'll get a little more general here by just predicting the rest of the pre-jury boots.
Chris, and
Dolly and Lisa round out the pre-jury boots.
So who's our jury and F2? Check 'em out:
John Paylok.... Rory Freeman..... Mia Galeotalanza
Scout Cloud Lee... Chad Crittenden... Ami Cusack
Brady Finta....... Leann Slaby..... Julie Berry
Random thoughts... I don't think they'll let Chad get too far along the jury path. They'll figure they can't beat him in the Final 2. Look for him to be the second member of the jury. Mia is going to be really annoying by day 25 or so. She won't get to the Final 2. If she's on the majority alliance, they'll dump her once they have the numbers. Brady and Ami strike me as the best players. Maybe Leann. Rory is a darkhorse. Obviously, being an Iowan myself, I hope he does well. Julie is a lightweight and will end up being the Liz or Colleen of this season. Scout ... I have no idea. The rumor mill is starting to suggest she does well and that's why I put her on the jury group. I can't get a handle on her chances.
My best guess for the final two and winner?
Brady wins it with Ami coming in second.
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