Liberal media? Give me a break.
Check out this post at the Yin Blog.
The author makes really good points: a) the fact that the media is not a liberal machine (God, I am tired of hearing that nonsense), and 2) Bush lied in the debate and no one calls him on it. You have to read his reply to the person who commented to get the whole point.
On the whole idea of the media being liberal and biased against the Republicans... you gotta be kidding me. The main thing driving news coverage in America is the same damn thing that drives everything else - MONEY. The media covers the stories that will bring ratings because bigger ratings mean more advertisers means more money. Look at how Clinton was attacked in the news because of an extramarital affair. Was it a news story? Sure, he's the sitting president and it speaks to his character. Should it have been the leading story for months and months? No, of course not. But sex sells. And media outlets don't discriminate between conservative and liberal when they're talking about money.
I have to disagree... to a point. I think the media does discriminate between liberal and conservative to a point. That is to say, how many companies own the major media outlets these days? Six? 10? I lose track. When you're talking about business that large, yes, the primary driving force is money. But also large business interests, which are typically conservative...
Robyn M-K
So are you suggesting that there is a conservative bias at work?
One might fairly infer that from my statement, yes. =)
"What liberal media? : the truth about bias and the news" by Eric Alterman [ICPL] started out as an interesting read. I had trouble with it because of the constant references to names of specific pundits, anchors, etc., which is something I don't have very much knowledge about. I kept getting lost in the names. But it still had an interesting argument going.
Robyn M-K
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