Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Pudding Strike

Okay, there are some... unique individuals out there, but this guy takes the cake. Or the pudding pop. I wonder if he actually works for Bill Cosby and is trying to up the sales of pudding.

"Watching your favorite NFL team play on Sunday is essentially a fundamental right of Americans, which is a right the United States Virgin Islands do not have. Until the Tennessee Titans (and every other NFL team) are available each weekend, I will eat pudding and pudding alone."

Come on. The Titans? Pick a team that his some history, like the Bears, the Lions, or the Giants. And besides, it's not like every NFL team is available in my market. No Bears next weekend for this Bears fan.

Although I admit I do feel bad that people in the Virgin Islands can't see any football games.

Any medical professional out there? I'd love to know how long this guy can survive on pudding alone.


At 2:49 PM, October 13, 2004, Blogger Me said...

While the Titans had Eddie George they were worth their salt. Now? Titans?? Titans who? Never heard of um. *wink*


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