Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Spoiling Survivor

The good folks at Survivorblows have figured out the probable tribal breakdown after the swap this week. Basically it'll be like this:

Lopevi (Men's Tribe):
John K.

Yasur (Women's Tribe):

So if Yasur goes to Tribal Council, it appears that a man is doomed. Unless Eliza jumps ship, which certainly wouldn't surprise anyone. If that happens, Lisa is gone. If they boot a man, I bet it's Travis. Okay, I'm just saying that because I don't want Iowan Rory to get the boot.

If Lopevi goes to TC, then we appear to have a tie. Unless John K. switches sides or Julie does. Actually, in looking at it, maybe Sarge and Chris convince Twila and Scout to join them and they boot cutie pie Julie. I could see Sarge and Chris respecting Twila and Scout's work ethic. And it would certainly follow their plan of booting the younger, physical players. And to add to that, according to this site, a cute woman was booted around July 9th, which would have been in this episode. So yeah, maybe Julie is the one to go.

Heck, I'm picking Julie this week. Probably wrong, but there ya go.


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