Friday, October 08, 2004

Some Survivor thoughts

Brady was voted out last night. So far the men have systematically eliminated the strongest members of their tribe. Most of the immunity challenges are physical. The men are setting themselves up to lose. Of course, they couldn't even win either mental challenge in the last episode, so really the bottom line is they suck. John K. is on the outside - he's probably gone if the men lose again. The women are doing better, but the divisions are still there. If they go to Tribal Council, either Julie or Eliza will go home.

Except that next episode will be a tribe reshuffle and could change everything.

Who knows who will end up where. There are three people who will definitely use the shuffle to their advantage if possible - Eliza, Julie and John K. I am actually finding myself liking John Kenney. I hope he gets lucky and sticks around for a while.

The alliances as they stand now:

Chad, Sarge, Rory, Chris, Travis --- John K.
Ami, Leann, Twila, Scout --- Lisa --- Eliza, Julie

Assuming that things go as they usually do, there will still be seven people on Yasur and six on Lopevi. Jeff said "Drop your buffs." That means everyone is changing. It'll probably be random. So on the tribe of six, you could have three men and three women. If John K., Eliza or Julie ends up over there in that situation, I expect they'll switch alliances.

Here's my totally speculative guess.

Scout, Lisa, Eliza, Chad, Travis, Rory on Lopevi.
Julie, Ami, Leann, Twila, Sarge, Chris, John K. on Yasur.

Yasur wins Immunity. Eliza joins with the men and makes Lisa pay for voting against Mia.

Sounds good now anyway.


At 8:14 AM, October 08, 2004, Blogger Lars said...

Man, doesn't Survivor frustrate you?! Why do they vote off the strongest?? Stupid...though like you said, it really doesn't matter since they pretty much suck at everything. Rory...what a stupid Iowan...that's unfortunate.

Love my Survivor!

At 9:09 AM, October 08, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

Rory is not representing Iowa very well, I gotta say. Of course, who knows how much of that is editing.


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