Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Amazing Race!

The Amazing Race premieres tonight.

My prediction for how things will turn out - shorthand:

11. Kris/Jon
10. Don/Mary Jean
09. Adam/Rebecca
08. Freddy/Kendra
07. Meredith/Maria
06. Lori/Bolo
05. Lena/Kristy
04. Avi/Joe
03. Jonathan/Victoria
02. Hayden/Aaron
01. Gus/Hera

In depth thoughts

Lori and Bolo. These two are married professional wrestlers. They've gotten a lot of play in the previews. They are the stars of the first half of the season.

Adam and Rebecca. These two are dating. Apparently, when they first met, she thought he was gay, but "he proved otherwise". Ewwww. And what is with that hair?

Here's a quote from Adam:

I am not the bravest person on the planet. I do not like heights, bugs, weird food, heat, extreme cold or anything else outside my routine.

Um, dude. It's not the Boring Race. I am going to despise these two, I can tell.

Gus and Hera. I am rooting for these two. Father and daughter, you know. She sounds very intelligent and It sounds like he's in good shape and has lots of travel experience.

Avi and Joe. The comic relief buddies. Same sex friends tend to go far in the race. I think Avi and Joe have a good chance.

Kris and Jon - my pick for the first eliminated. It's their biggest fear, according to their bio. They are in a LDR and that's not a good basis for a racing team. Plus, something about them screams loser to me. I know, really scientific.

In any case... I can't wait to see the first episode! Check it out tonight!


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