Today's the day when the direction of the next four years will be decided. Although we might not know that decision for a few weeks if it's anything like the last election. I voted early at my local library. Sharon voted this morning. She waited in line for a half hour. I am all for long lines - that means higher voter turnout.
It's amazing to me how strongly some people favor Bush over Kerry. Many members of my family are staunch Republicans. It's made family parties somewhat difficult at times. Still, I don't understand the demonization of the other side. All Republicans are bad! All Democrats are nuts! It's just stupid. I know many, many Republicans who are good people. And there's just as many crazy Dems as there are crazy Reps. I'll see your Rush Limbaugh and raise you one Michael Moore.
It's a little scary how split this country is. We need to remember that on the other side could be our brothers, our sisters, our fathers, and our mothers. It would be very easy for our country to be torn apart by this election. But we need to show the world that our democrary works. It has some flaws that need to be addressed, but, with apologies to Huey Lewis, the heart of democr'cy is still beating.
New York, New York, is everything they say
And no place that I’d rather be
Where else can you vote a half a million ways
All at a quarter to three
When they vote their party, ooh that modern party
They do it with a lot of style
But it’s still that same old back beat rhythm
That really drives ’em wild
They say the heart of democ'rcy's still beating
And from what I’ve seen I believe ’em
Now the old boy may be barely breathing
But the heart of democ'rcy's still beating
LA, Hollywood, and the Sunset Strip
Is something everyone should see
Neon lights and the pretty pretty girls
All voting so assuredly
When they vote their mind
Ignore the polling numbers
They like it without the flash
Cause it’s still that same old voting rhythm
That really kicks ’em in the...
They say the heart of democ'rcy's still beating
And from what I’ve seen I believe ’em
Now the old boy may be barely breathing
But the heart of democ'rcy's still beating
DC, San Antone and the Liberty town, Boston and Baton Rouge
Tulsa, Austin, Oklahoma City, Seattle, San Francisco, too
Everywhere there’s voting, real live voting, people with a million thoughts
But it’s still that some old democracy
That really drives ’em wild
They say the heart of democ'rcy's still beating
And from what I’ve seen I believe ’em
Now the old boy may be barely breathing
But the heart of democ'rcy's still beating
apologies to Huey Lewis??
How about apologies to us for inflicted that tune on us. Now I'm never gonna get that stinker out of my head.
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