Monday, January 31, 2005

Englert Letter

State 29, Kris and Greenman all weigh in on the latest letter from Eric Kerchner, the Englert's executive director.

This is the letter I am considering sending to the PC.

I grew more and more frustrated as I read Eric Kerchner's recent letter to the editor, which was a response to David Pierce's criticism of the Englert Theatre. First, after admitting he hasn't been in town very long, Mr. Kerchner has the nerve to suggest that David Pierce, past president of ICCT, the man who completed the non-profit paperwork for the Englert Civic Theatre, and who has been involved in the project since we first elected the board at the Iowa City Public Library in 1999, is misinformed. Mr. Kerchner is new to the project. The rest of us have been following the Englert since the beginning. He would probably be better served to listen to what those people have to say. Mr. Kerchner goes on to say that the Englert is serving the local arts groups and uses the Englert Night Out event as an example. That event is a fundraiser for the Englert where local arts groups provide performances with all proceeds going to benefit the Englert. What's more, these events are all over town and not just at the Englert so most of the groups are not performing in the theater anyway. It's amazing to me that Mr. Kerchner would cite that event considering that the arts groups, including the Iowa City Community Theatre, gave their time and energy to assist the Englert despite the fact that Mr. Kerchner has not addressed their concerns. Let me just make it very clear. $800/night is too expensive for local theaters. What I would like to know is how the Englert can justify this behavior when the Vision Iowa funds are in part based on if the project "will stimulate the development of other recreational and cultural attractions" and "is strategically aligned with other existing regional or statewide cultural, recreational, entertainment, or educational activities in the community." (Section 212.8(3) of the Vision Iowa rules and bylaws.) Did the Englert use its association with other arts groups to receive that funding? If so, they have a responsibility to address those groups' concerns.


At 9:51 AM, February 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say, "Uh... interesting letter. But you might need to take a few more hours away from things, then go back and edit it." I understand your frustration, but usually it's good to take a step back and breathe before submitting something angry.

["strong ties to Iowa" indeed (Kottke). having strong ties to Iowa is a pretty weak link to Iowa City art groups.]

Robyn M-K

At 1:27 PM, February 01, 2005, Blogger greenman said...

Well I like it,

You should check out State's followup and response though as well.


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