Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Who Would Win?

A friend's livejournal prompted this. Who would win a battle between


Vote in the comments and add your reasoning!


At 5:51 PM, January 25, 2005, Blogger Me said...

Skeletor. 'Cause his feet move.

At 12:10 AM, January 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skeletor would kick Darth Tater's behind. Unless, of course, you were using the "battle damaged" version of Skeletor.


At 8:36 AM, January 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skeletor would move in, brandishing his Satan-Stick (TM) and sword, and Darth would gesture, and those things would whip out of Skelly-Boy's hands, and then Darth would gesture again, and Skeletor would be down on the ground asphyxiating.

I'm assuming, for the purposes of this fan-fiction, that Skeletor's skeleton features end at the neck, and that's where the beefy pro wrestler starts.

At 10:43 AM, January 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Matt S here)

I can't vote without a little more context -- am I comparing the characters themselves, or the action figures. If it's characters, Darth Vader wins, hands down. If it's figures, Skeletor easily beats a potato with a hat.

At 11:49 AM, January 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it would be a draw. While Darth Potatoe is strangling Skelly with the use of the Force (actual not so much a Force as a mass of microscopic potatoe bugs who, when they work collectively, can really kick some butt!), Skelly, with his last breathe, will fire his weapon, and the electric charge will strike Darth in the chest. Since everyone knows potatoes are great conductors (the potatoe clock science experiment from elementary school), we can assume Darth isn't properly grounded and he life support system will overload thus resulting in his death.

At 12:42 PM, January 26, 2005, Blogger Matt said...

Great responses!

And Matt, I was thinking the figures, not the characters. Any more opinions?

At 2:31 PM, January 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Matt S redux)

Yeah. Putting hats on potatoes so that you can photograph them is a poor use of spare time.

At 5:34 PM, January 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Skeletor would win, either figures or characters, just because he's pure evil, whereas Darth Potato is just too cute to be evil and Darth Vadar has too much of Anakin left in him to be pure evil.

And evil always wins over good.



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