More on Terri's case
EDITED TO ADD: Here's a link to the most recent developments.
Thanks to Robyn and Dweeze for the information they provided in the comments of my last post. I appreciate getting some information on the other side. Here's something that's pretty important from an interview with Larry King. (SCHIAVO is Michael, Terri's husband. FELOS is his lawyer.)
KING: But why do you want it taken out? Why do you want the feeding tube removed?
SCHIAVO: This is Terri's wish. And I'm going to follow that wish, if it's the last thing I can do for Terri. I love Terri deeply. And I'm going to follow it up for Terri.
KING: How old was she when this happened?
KING: A 25-year-old said to you, if I die, if I'm in this kind of state, most 25-year-olds wouldn't think of something like that?
SCHIAVO: It was a comment from watching certain programs. She said, we were watching some programs, and she says, I don't want anything artificial like that. I don't want any tubes. Don't let me live like that. I don't want to be a burden to anybody. She's also made comments to other people about different stories.
Her wish is to die. That settles it for me. I believe her husband.
Plus, here's a rebuttle to the idea that she's responsive:
KING: We see now there, we see the eyes open. A smile. It looks like a smile.
SCHIAVO: Now, you've got to remember here, too, when the Schindlers show their little snippets of Terri, there's four and a half hours of tape. OK?
KING: This is edited?
SCHIAVO: This is edited. This is a tape where they snuck in against a court order after the judge said, do not photograph her.
KING: But she looks like -- right, she's not in a coma
SCHIAVO: Right. But you're missing half -- you're missing three-quarters of the other tape where her mother does the same thing, and she does nothing. Now, Terri makes the same noises for the last 14 years. She's made the same facial expressions. She blinks her eyes. She has normal sleep/wake cycles.
Now, the nurses have even testified in the trial that Terri makes those noises when nobody's in the room.
KING: I see.
FELOS: Larry, that's one of the controversies in this case, that people see these videos and say, oh my God, here's a person that's aware. Terri has the classic symptoms of a patient in a vegetative state. If I can have just a couple of seconds. There is the article, the seminal article on that is "The Medical Aspects of the Persistent Vegetative State." And what it says here is: "Patients in a vegetative state are usually not immobile. They may move their trunk and limbs in meaningless ways. They may even occasionally smile, and a few may even shed tears. Some utter grunts, or on rare occasions moan or scream. These motor activities may misleadingly suggest purposeful movements." And that's the case with Terri.
Oh, and what Jeb Bush did is despicable:
FELOS: Well, what happened with the governor was just very, very disturbing. Literally, under threat of arrest from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, police took Terri from her deathbed, brought her to a hospital, performed a surgical procedure against her will. I mean, that's something that you think about in a totalitarian society, where the state owns you, rather than you have individual rights.
We tried to communicate with the governor. The governor was making statements about this case, which were factually incorrect. We sent him about a three or four-page letter to the governor, with copies of court orders, affidavits of doctors. We invited the governor to come and speak with us. He met with the Schindlers a couple of times so he could get the facts in this case. And we were told by the governor's attorney he never looked at our letter.
And for the record, I would not want to be kept alive like she is. I would rather die with dignity.
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