Monday, June 27, 2005

Taking over...

So I am trying to remember a quote from a book. I Google, figuring if I enter "Watchmen quotes nostalgia", it'll pop up. No luck on the first few sites, although I did find this interesting description of the book. And then I realize that sitting behind me on the bookshelves is the book in question. I pick it up and flip to the quote quickly.

Here it is:

"What's that you smell of?"

(I was looking for the quote because I was feeling nostalgic reading old posts at a message board that I belong to.)

Anyway, the whole point of this post?

Googling something has become second nature to me. It's the first thing I do when I want an answer to something. That speaks to how completely the internet has changed my life in the past ten years. Can you relate?


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