Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The weekend

We had a nice Fourth of July weekend. Our friends Matt and Deidre came over for dinner on Saturday. We even got the kids to bed and were able to hang out with the friends sans children. Ah, that was nice. Sunday was a good family day. On the Fourth, Rachel and I were in a parade. She waved and threw candy to the children lining the parade route. It was raining, so Soup and Sharon stayed home. We had a lot of fun and even saw one of Rachel's friends from preschool along the parade route. I think her friend was just amazed to see Rachel in the parade - she had the widest eyes I've ever seen on a four year old. Rachel was similarly thrilled to see her friend. That night, we went to the Coralville fireworks, but the kids were tired and we left after a really unimpressive show. They might have gotten better after we had gone. When we got home, we turned on the TV in time to see the finale of Cedar Rapids' fireworks. That was impressive.


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