Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Training again

I am training for an Appalachian Trail hike. For more information, go here.

Yesterday, I hiked for about an hour. I didn't have too much time because I had to make it back for storytime at the library at 7 pm. I did put on the backpack and hiked carrying about 30 pounds. In my previous two training sessions, I had only slightly less than 20 pound Sami on my back. Ten pounds makes a difference when you're climbing a hill. On the Woodpecker Trail, there are two different hills where it's basically like climbing steps only more difficult. I did one of them twice just to get my legs ready for climbing actual mountains. I think I'll keep doing that - focusing more on repetitions on the hills than distance. The strange thing is my wrist is sore. I have no idea what I did to it. If it were my right one, I'd think it's connected to mouse use. I am trying not to use it much and hopefully the pain will be gone before I leave for North Carolina.


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