Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Rain forest on its way out of town?

Good news! Two of five Coralville councilers are ready to drop kick the rain forest project out of town. Thank you, Jean Newlin Schnake and Tom Gill.

"It's like we keep following the carrot out there, and once we get there and take a bite, the carrot disappears," Newlin Schnake said.

Heh. No kidding. Glad you're finally waking up, Jean. Gill says:

"Quite frankly, people are fed up and want it to go away."

I am one of those people! He's talking about me!

Councilors John Weihe and John Lundell are on the middle road, saying that they'll support if the Project signs a contract that specifies a timeline and fundraising goals. The only counciler still firmly in David Oman's pocket appears to be Henry Herwig, who compared the project to the Saint Louis Arch. Yeah, they're just identical projects, Henry. Why didn't we see that before?

Oman continues to throw out innocuous soundbites which tell us nothing:

"We're moving on so many fronts."

Whatever, Oman. Take your monorail and get out of town.

(Extra points if you caught the pop culture reference.)

Edited to add link to Kris who has more on the subject.


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