Wednesday, September 21, 2005

JD won it all! It's great when at the end of a reality show, the person you were rooting for all along actually ends up with the prize.

I think it was clear that no one wanted to win this competition more than JD. When he made his comment about not having to learn the songs because he already knew them, that wasn't hubris; it was just a fact. He's been an INXS fan forever and it's clear their music influenced his musical choices. He was the only right choice and I'm glad he got the job.

INXS also offered Marty the opportunity to open for them on their tour. Which was an excellent move by INXS since Marty is so popular. And of course, it's great for Marty, too. I predict Marty will eventually be a bigger star than INXS. And you know, I admit I love it when Marty does this:

Here's a shot of the new INXS:

So it's over and what a fun ride it's been. There's been talking of doing it again next year, but I don't know if it'll be for a band (how many bands out there need lead singers? Rock Star:Nirvana?) or just a generic Rock Star competition. Either way, I'll tune in. One last image of JD:

His arms say "HUMAN BEING".

Kind of sums us all up, huh?


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